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Testbeispiel: In Englisch sind bereits in diesem Jahr Schüler in 350 Schulen mittels standardisierter Klausuren zur Matura angetreten.

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Lesekompetenz, Inhalt (Beispiele gekürzt)

A) Anna Wintour

She wields considerable influence over American fashion. Runway shows don’t start until she arrives. Designers succeed because she apoints them.

B) Miuccia Prada

Prada has few celebrity friends. She lives in the Milan apartment she grew up in.

Who is described as making or breaking designer’s careers? (Antw.: A)

Who does not live in the USA? (Give one answer) (Antw.: B)

Lesekompetenz, Grammatik (Lösung mit (!) gekennzeichnet)

You are going to read a text about a student and his secret passion, writing. In most lines of the text there is an unnecessary (!) word.

When he saw his six notebooks, he gave a sigh of relief. They were his secret passion, his real work in the world. For (!) two years of hard work and hard thinking had been (!) gone into those notebooks: everything as (!) he could ever hope to be was contained in them. No one had ever read a word he has (!) had written, or ...

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