Horror-Szenario: auf einem Schiff vor der Küste Kaliforniens brach ein Brand aus. 5 Menschen konnten sich retten, 33 werden vermisst.
The vessel was reported as being on fire. The a group of crew members has been rescued (one with minor injuries) and efforts continue to evacuate the remaining passengers. https://t.co/ojaSdUTHXd
— USCG Los Angeles (@USCGLosAngeles) 2. September 2019
#CoastInc: @VCFD responded to boat fire off the north side of Santa Cruz Island at approximately 3:28am. @USCG helping support rescue operations for people aboard a dive boat. #ChannelIslands @USCGLosAngeles @CountyVentura @SBCOUNTYFIRE pic.twitter.com/DwoPGfBjtA
— VCFD PIO (@VCFD_PIO) 2. September 2019
Tragic news off the coast of Santa Cruz Island... this is video of the 75 ft #Conception burning as nearby boats respond. 5 Crew members rescued. A staggering 34 passengers still unaccounted for. @NBCNews pic.twitter.com/nwuCDEmARR
— Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) September 2, 2019
In der Nacht von Flammen überrascht
UPDATE: The "Conception" sank in 64 feet of water, about 20 yards off the shore of Santa Cruz Island, officials say. https://t.co/k37XtD6Lga pic.twitter.com/qcrrjWuZv5
— CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) September 2, 2019