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Kelly: ‚Meine Frau hatte Zusammenbruch wegen Corona‘


Popsänger John Kelly äußert sich zu seinem freiwilligen Ausstieg bei Tanzshow ‚Let’s Dance‘.

Popsänger John Kelly hat Einzelheiten zu seinem freiwilligen Ausscheiden aus der RTL-Tanzshow "Let's Dance" verraten: Demnach erlitt seine Frau Maite Itoiz einen Zusammenbruch wegen der Sorgen angesichts des Coronadramas in ihrem Heimatland Spanien. "Es braucht seine Zeit, aber ich sehe eine positive Entwicklung. Sie hat seit Tagen keine Panikattacken mehr", so der Musiker im "Gala"-Interview.

Kelly: Frau hat vieles erlebt

"Als Musikproduzentin und Künstlerin ist sie es gewohnt, unter hohem Druck zu arbeiten. Sie ist durch viele extreme Situationen gegangen, die sie hätten zusammenbrechen lassen können. Sie hatte zwar schon mal Angst, aber die Panikattacken sind neu", so Kelly. Vergangene Woche hieß es lediglich, es gebe einen Krankheitsfall in der Familie.

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First, I need to thank every single one of you deeply from my heart. Just two weeks ago, Maite, my wife, had to bring her father to the hospital (not corona), and ever since then his health is not improving. Neither she or her mother are allowed to visit him, based on the new rules with the corona issue. This is very tough for her. Her mom depends on her too. The situation in Spain is very strict; for almost two weeks now, the country is confined, flights get cancelled constantly and you need special permissions to travel. Also, the very thought in her mind that I could maybe get corona while being out there did not help her mentally either. All this caused her a heavy breakdown and constant panic attacks. She tried hard to keep her problem away from me, so I could continue with the dancing project, but I forced her to tell me the truth, and based on that I made a quick decision to urgently fly home and support her in these hard times. Now I know her health was in risk for too long. We were hoping that things would get better within a few days but this was not the case, so I had to remain here. "Let's Dance" production company decided to take Loiza back on stage to replace me. I wish her and the rest of participants and team all the best, from the bottom of my heart. I'm going to miss you all and I pray for your safety in these hard times. I love you and I thank you for the great chance you gave me to be able to learn from the best. My dream might be truncated once more, but my love for Maite is above all right now. She is the one who encouraged me the most to jump into this beautiful dancing project and now she suffers not seeing me dancing because of her situation. Now is my turn to take care of her. Thank you Seapoint Productions for your patience, support and love. Thank you Regina; I found a deep friend in you and a top professional who put all her heart and soul into teaching me. Thank you RTL for this chance. Thank you, profi and promi family, that's what you are; A great family. Technicians, dressmakers, jury members, moderators, makeup artists, drivers, cooks, photographers...Thank you dear audience. I will never forget it. @maiteitoiz.official

Ein Beitrag geteilt von John Kelly (@johnkelly.official) am

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